Yearly Archives: 2015
Two days left to Freedom not Fear 2015
On Friday, Freedom not Fear in Brussels will start! You find all infos you need in the wiki, where also the schedule can be found. Everything starts with an opening keynote of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Assistant European Data Protection Supervisor: “Pros … Continue reading
Three weeks left – FNF is coming nearer
In about three weeks, the Freedom not Fear meeting in Brussels will start. We are really looking forward to it and hope many of you will join us. Traditionally we do not have a completely settled schedule because we want … Continue reading
Freedom not Fear goes Chaos Communication Camp
For everyone who wants to join Freedom not Fear in Brussels and who will be at the Chaos Communication Camp this weekend: Let’s meet and drive preparations forward. We will have a self-organized session on the 14th August, 7 p.m. … Continue reading
Register for travel allowances now!
Again this year, MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht supports us from his EU Parliament visitors budget. And Digitalcourage again has booked hotel rooms at the Hotel Adagio Access Europe, close to Mundo B, European Parliament and EU Commission. If you register, … Continue reading
Freedom not Fear 15 needs you and your helping hand!
We still need helping hands to organize Freedom not Fear 15 in Brussels! In the last weeks we already organized some Monday meetings with MEPs, but it would be great to have some more (put it into the wiki if … Continue reading
Join us! Announcement of Freedom not Fear 2015 in Brussels
Dear friends of a free society and internet, tl;dr: From 16th – 19th October activists for a free internet (and world) from all across Europe will meet for Freedom not Fear in Brussels. There’ll be workshops, talks, discussions, meetings with … Continue reading
How to arrange a meeting with your MEP?
– This letter is out of date: We hurry to get a better one posted asap. – On FNF-Monday we traditionally meet with members of the parliament to discuss current topics of data protection, surveillance, net neutrality and many … Continue reading
Freedom not Fear 2015: Save the date
There are a lot of enemies threatening the free internet and our privacy across Europe. Be it surveillance laws made by governments or private industries that undermine the EU data protection reform. But there is hope. There is a strong … Continue reading