Three weeks left – FNF is coming nearer

In about three weeks, the Freedom not Fear meeting in Brussels will start. We are really looking forward to it and hope many of you will join us. Traditionally we do not have a completely settled schedule because we want to provide open space for spontaneous workshops, talks and actions.

Of course you can also announce a session now, just go to our wiki and choose your time slot. Here are a few sessions that are already fixed:

  • Brussels Bubble for Dummies (Walter van Holst & Kirsten)
  • Net neutrality – 2nd plenary to the rescue (Thomas Lohninger)
  • Bon voyage, privacy: a workshop on PNR, Smart Borders and what you can do (Access, more tba)

Further we are happy to announce our keynote speaker for Friday evening: Wojciech Wiewiórowski, the European Data Protection Assistant Supervisor. He will talk about “Pros and Cons of the New Legal Framework for Data Protection. Opening of the New Era v. Same Old Story”.

As an outside action some of us will join the Trade Agreement Protests on Saturday.

See you soon and bring your ideas!

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