Join us! Announcement of Freedom not Fear 2015 in Brussels

Dear friends of a free society and internet,

tl;dr: From 16th – 19th October activists for a free internet (and
world) from all across Europe will meet for Freedom not Fear in Brussels.

There’ll be workshops, talks, discussions, meetings with members of
the EU parliament, nice people and a lot more. We want you to join and
fight with us for a digital society worth living in!

What is FNF?

There are a lot of enemies of a free internet and our privacy all
across Europe. Only one example are surveillance laws made by governments or private
industries that undermine the EU dataprotection reform. But there is
hope. There is a strong civil rights movement in Europe and it is
growing. To join forces, we connect, once a year, at Freedom not Fear.

If you are also active on civil rights issues (or you want to get active) we warmly
invite you to join us to help us grow and work together. Last year
there were about 60 attendees from about 15 different countries and
over the last years, it constantly got more and more.

Join us!

1. We are preparing a lot of things right now, so we are glad about
every helping hand. Possible tasks are manifold, e.g. we need support
to spread the word of FNF in as many European countries as possible.

2. During the weekend, we will have several workshops, talks and
discussion groups. If you want to hold a session, go ahead and write
it down in the wiki.

3. Participate! Even if you cannot invest a lot of time beforehand –
Come to FNF15. Meet people, exchange experiences and work together.
And if you spontaneously decide to give a workshop: Go for it. There
will be space for unannounced sessions.

Now, save the date and spread the word for Freedom not Fear 2015. It
will take place 16th – 19th October 2015, at Mundo B in Brussels.

What next?

It is easy to join: There will be some opportunities for travel
funding support, organized by Digitalcourage. You can also ask your
MEP if he or she is willing to fund your travel. Last year we made a
How-To about contacting them.

To get in touch and stay updated, join the international mailinglist.

That’s the place to ask your questions and to discuss your ideas! We
also have a Twitter-Account now:

Freedom not Fear is looking forward to your ideas, your campaign, your
workshop: Tell us, what you or your NGO have been doing on a certain
topic and connect with other people from Europe, working on similar
issues. Join us in Brussels, it’s easy and we also try to help you
with accommodation and such.

You will find more information about FNF on the blog and the wiki.

You also may have a look what FNF13-Weekend looked like, thanks to our
friends from “GoVeto”, who made a short video-introduction.

And if you have more questions, join the list or write to:
contact [et] freedomnotfear / org

the FNF15 organizing people

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