Call for Donations

Let’s make FNF 2024 happen!

Since FNF has no official organisational structure, we need to collect donations via some other legal entity. This year, the non-profit association D64 – Center for Digital Progress from Germany is  providing an account for donations – our heartfelt thanks for that!

Donations to the D64 account will reach us without any deduction. Please mark your donations clearly by stating “FNF” or “Freedom Not Fear” in the reference.

We will soon publish more details, but if you want to make sure FNF 2024 is happening and help us find a venue, you can donate now.

Bank details:

Recipient: D64 – Zentrum für Digitalen Fortschritt
IBAN: DE13 4306 0967 1134 4765 00
Bank: GLS Bank
Reference: FNF / Donation

Please always mark your donations as “FNF” or “Freedom not Fear”!

QR code containing bank account and other data needed to donate money to FnF.

QR-Code with details for bank transfers

You can scan the QR code on the right with your online banking app and add
your desired amount. The code contains the bank details as shown above.

An update on the planning process will follow soon.

Thank you for supporting Freedom not Fear 2024!

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