Yearly Archives: 2014
Event Invitation: Freedom Not Fear – International Action Days in Macedonia
Once again, Macedonia joins the international Freedom Not Fear movement supporting the following basic principles: We want freedom of speech in a digitalized world and a free and uncensored internet to express ourselves We want privacy in the knowledge society, … Continue reading
Apero on the Future of the Internet – FNF pre-event
On Thursday 25 September, one day before Freedom Not Fear, Access will be organising an Apero on the Future of the Internet from 17h to 20h in the Leopold Park, right behind the European Parliament. The event will bring together … Continue reading
LIBE committee meeting on 29th September
On FNF Monday, 3pm, a meeting of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee (LIBE) will (most likely) take place. The LIBE committee, among other things, dealt with the Data Protection Regulation and the mass surveillance inquiries. Such a … Continue reading
Travel allowances to Brussels for Freedom not Fear
Thanks to Jan Philipp Albrecht, MEP of the Green Party, and the organisation work by digitalcourage e.V. it is possible to offer travel allowances for a bunch of people who want to visit Freedom not Fear! Registrations are accepted until … Continue reading
How to ask an MEP for travel reimbursement
For some of you it might be neccessary to travel to FNF14 on your own money, e.g. if you are an independent activist or your organization is (like most times) short on funding. But there is the possibility to get … Continue reading
What will happen at FNF14 …
If you haven’t been to FNF14 yet, you might ask yourself how the weekend will be structured. Therefore a very preliminary and rough schedule here. Some explanations are given below. We will have plenty of room for workshops – some … Continue reading
Freedom Not Fear elsewhere
From 27th to 29th September there will not only be our gathering in Brussels. Also elsewhere groups and activists will meet to stand up for their digital rights! For example in Luxemburg, where multiple organizations will gather to demonstrate against … Continue reading
FNF14 has a keynote speaker & call for workshops
We are proud to announce that this year’s Freedom not Fear conference will be kicked off by a keynote speech by privacy advocate Simon Davies. Simon is one of the pioneers of the international privacy arena and founder of the … Continue reading
Freedom not Fear 2014 – save the date
One of the last things every Freedom not Fear plenary session does is to plan the next Freedom not Fear-Weekend, or at least to fix the date. And for those early birds who like to plan early, we can announce: … Continue reading